Dear Fellow Doctors,

Thank you for reaching out to me specialized pediatric care for your patients.
Your patients might require a referral from you for specialty care in pediatrics, as many health insurance plans have this as a prerequisite. 
You can suggest your patients to follow the steps below when requesting a referral:

  1. Visit General Physician First:
    A general physician will evaluate the health concerns and, if necessary, make a referral to a pediatric specialist.
  2. Verify Insurance and Referral Information:
    If your health insurance plan requires you to see someone from a list of preferred specialists or preferred clinic/hospital, you’ll need to check  that information before taking an appointment with me. Contact your insurance company for referral requirements. Check that the hospital I practice in, is a preferred provider and that your visit will be covered here.
    If all the above is in agreement, provide our office with the proper insurance information and book an appointment with me.
  3. Booking an Appointment with me:
    Once your health plan has approved the referral by your general physician, you may call and make your appointment at FUH. You can do so by directly calling the FUH.
    Please ensure that any pertinent medical records like diagnostic test results, discharge summary,etc. Are being transferred to me or carried by you during your appointment.
    Book an Appointment